Parallels and VPN

April 22, 2008

For future reference:
Parallels Ethernet Adapter only works with Cisco VPN client (on Mac OS X) if shared network is selected. Bridged network didn’t work.

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Aloe Vera

April 15, 2008

Fair Trade products from Ecuador:
Colonche Line

Seen on TV

Bad Losers

April 9, 2008

Some politicians really are bad losers. And they don’t fear to show it. The actual campaign against a elected member of the swiss government shows this. The ultimatum posted by some hard liners of the SVP against Eveline Widmer-Schlupf is incredible, disrespectful and mysogynic by itself. Some incredible results of this campaign:

  1. The SVP showed a good result some county elections in spite of this campaign
  2. A supporting website was a victim of a distributed denial of service attack
Update: Not a Denial of service attack, but may be an attack at the data base? From the website:
Die Melde- und Analysestelle Informationssicherung MELANI des Bundes hat die Logdateien des Servers analysiert und ist zum vorläufigen Schluss gekommen, dass am 9. April 2008 wahrscheinlich kein DDoS-Angriff auf stattgefunden hat. Dies im Gegensatz zum amerikanischen Hosting Provider, der von einem historischen Schlag von nie gesehenem Ausmass spricht
Allerdings hat MELANI Indizien für einen möglicherweise erfolgreichen Angriff auf die Datenbank gefunden.

Like many others I am using Flickr as a CMS for a website using Satellite. Unfortunatly Satellite offers no support for authenticated calls which I need now to get private pictures on the website. So I need to adjust Satellite myself, which is challenging, considering the fact that I know php only marginally. But then a programming language is a programming language is a programming language (I know that there are differences and everybody has his/her favorite, but I am not going into this). The documentation on Flickr Services is ok, but not extremely helpful. phpFlickr offered the most promising help, especially the authentication tool was very helpful (didn’t work with Safari though, Firefox was ok). phpFlickr also takes care of the ordering of the parameters and the creation of the api signature for you.  So know the only task remaining is to make Satellite work together with phpFlickr… If I get it running I let you know here.

O, yes nearly forgot the running. Joined the Birslauf today. Was a lot of fun!

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